by Loki | Jul 2, 2008 | Planejammer Campaigns, The Misfits
by Loki | Jul 1, 2008 | Planejammer Campaigns, The Misfits
by Loki | Jun 15, 2008 | Planejammer Campaigns, The Misfits
by Loki | Jun 15, 2008 | Planejammer Campaigns, The Misfits
by Loki | May 12, 2008 | Planejammer Campaigns, Props, The Misfits
You’ve been warned basher! Following the event known on the prime world of Krynn as the Second Cataclysm, Krynn no longer exists entirely within the Multiversal Structure to which we are accustomed. It is currently in the process of oscillating between the Prime...
by Loki | May 10, 2008 | Planejammer Campaigns, Props
In our last episode Our Heroes encountered a strange new type of elven ship, the INS Stormbreaker. This was their first view of it as it materialized just outside the trailing edge of the Tears of Selune in Realmspace. (All images (C) 2008 by Michael Billard, used...