This boisterous hadozee female was part of the original crew of The Door to Excess. Now Chief Spacehand
Whee; Hadozee Exp4: CR 3; ECL 4; Size H; HD 4; hp 21; Init +0; Spd 30 ft, 30; AC 11, touch 10, FF 9; BAB +3; Melee Weapon +3 (1d6 + 2); SQ Limited Flight; SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +6; AL CN; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Languages spoken: Hadozee, Elven, Common, insults in any langiuage, Signalling
Skills and Feats: Climb +6, Gather Information +2, Intimidate +0, Operate Rigging +9, Sense Motive +3, Speak Language +3, Spot +5, Tumble +8, Use Rope +8, Glide (Hadozee) +3, Knowledge:Ancient History/Unhuman War +5, Profession: Spacehand +8, Knowledge EIN +4, Knowledge: (Gambling and Gaming) +6; Armor Proficiency (Light), Simple Weapon Proficiency, Heavy Weapon Proficiency, Acrobatic, Spacefarer.
Equipment: Weapon, Rapier, Sap, Silk rope (50 ft.).