My friend Maddog Jack is going to run an Iron Kingdoms Game. If I can make time to play I will be using the following character:

Rejak Thron
Human (Thurian) Rogue 1st level.
Alignment Nuetral Good
Str. 12+1
Con. 13+1

Int. 15+2
Wis. 13+1
Cha. 16+3

Hit Points 7, Armor Class (Dex +3, Leather +2, Great Coat +1) 16
Base Atk. +0 Melee +1, Ranged +3
Saving Throws
Fort (+0 +1)+1, Ref (+2, +3)+5, Will (+0 +1) +1

Appraise (1+2) +3
Bluff (2+3+2*) +7
Craft Small Arms (2+2) +4
Diplomacy (3+2*) +5
Dis. Device (4+2) +6
Gather Info. (2+3+2) +7
Hide (2+3+2) +7
Intimidate (2+3+2) +7
Jump (2+1) +3
Listen (2+1) +3
Move Silently (3+3+2) +7
Open Locks (3+3+3) +9
Search (3+2+2) +5
Sense Motive (3+3) +6
Slieght of Hand (2+3) +5
Spot (3+3) +6
Tumble (2+3) +5
Use Magic Device (2+3) +5

Skill Focus (Open Locks) +3
Stealthy +2 to Hide and Move Silently
Investigator +2 to Search and Gather Infomation