NEWS: D&D Minis: Modrons

NEWS: D&D Minis: Modrons Yup, nice one. Unfortunately it is April 1st and the page name in the url starts with “aprilfool_” Would that it were true. I’d do anything but more FEMA paperwork to see that…....

Ultimate Mimir- The Unseelie Court

This is our first test posting for The Ultimate Mimir Project at The Unseelie Court- scripted by Almighty Watashi/recorded by Loki The Ultimate Mimir Project aims to create a an audio based DM’s resource for Planescape gamers. A mimir is a...

Ex WOTC Staffer Auctions Game Gear

The first part of ex-WotC staffer Charles Ryan’s auction of gaming materials has started. This should be interesting… eBay Seller: charlesandtammie: Games, Prints items on