The Souljammer

The Souljammer An excellent bit of mythology, pertinent to both Spelljammer and Planescape. It also makes a very good read. Several tales told by planewalkers and spelljammers of the dreaded Souljammer! I highly recommend it!...

New Mimir Test

This is a test post for the new Mimir. The original print article, Trader’s Portal, can be found on Planewalker.Com...

Dungeon Master’s Guild D20

A useful generator for creating settlements ranging in size from small towns to full metropoli. Produces a very nice breakdown including named establishments and demographics. Try it out at : Dungeon Master’s Guild D20...

Cajun Arcana- Katrina Fundraiser

I do intend to get this one, but I haven’t yet so this is purely based on what I found on RPGNow, but it looks rather amusing. To be honest its very much along the lines of something was trying to organize a few weeks back that never got off the ground. Suck Da...

Shifting Responsibilities

As I resurface from a flooded New Orleans I have made a move as far as my involvement with Planewalker. I will no longer be managing the Snail Outfitters section of the site, instead I will be taking Enzo Sarlas’ place as the Section Manager for Cutters, the...

What Die Are You?

Alexis took the What Die Are You Test and this was her result: Take the quiz at

Seven Stars | Please Stand By

Due to Hurricane’s Katrina and Rita we are Stormwracked! The Game has taken a Ship Critical and Planejammer Shock has occured. This saga is being put on hold till all players are in the same city and can finish it. BE YE WARNED: The Planejamer Chronicles will...

Seven Stars | Return- New Game?

The DM returns to NOLA. With half the gaming group permanently relocating I am considering options. Do y’all want to try to finish out using Ghostorb, or should I just shelve it and start a new campaign? With all the harsh realities we are facing in the Crescent...

Seven Stars | Refugee Gamers

The Macroverse Campaign: Warriors of the Balance-Dawn of The Overmind is temporarily suspended due to our gaming group being scattered to the four winds. Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, curiously coinciding with the release of Stormwrack from WOTC, has made us...

ISC Khelhorn’s Grace

Corvette : Colossal Vehicle ; hp 250; Top Spd 30; Ace 5; Dec 5 ; Hand +4; Sensor +5; Stealth 12; AC 18 (-8 size, -5 Dex, +6 natural, +3 armor, +12 shields) ; SQ vehicle, hardness 30; Fuel 150,000/3 . Stations: Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Gunner 2, Crew 20. Cargo: 50 tons ....