kaolinKaolin Moly Mu, Contemplative of Celestian, Co-Founder of House Seven Stars, Seeker 5°, Planewalker’s Guild 3°, Defender of Blurophil, Greatspace Order of Hermes

Female Hadozee from Gaya in Grommspace

Cleric 14th / Contemplative CD p.30 2nd

S 13 (+1) | D 18 (+4) | C 15 (+2) | I 16 (+3) | W 18 (+4) | Ch 8 (-1)

Speed: 30 Glide: 40

HD 14d8+2d6+32; HP 118 Init +8

AC: 19; Flat Footed: 15; Touch 14

BAB +11/+6/+1; Melee +12/+7/+2; Ranged +15/+10/+5

Saves: Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +16

Hadozee Traits: Lowlight Vision, Limited Flight, Ambidexterity, Skill Bonus (Climb + Tumble)

Cleric Abilities: Spontaneous Casting, Turn Undead 2/day, +2 to Turn Checks

Contemplative Abilities: Divine Health, Slippery Mind, Bonus Domain (Knowledge)

Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Heal), Reach Spell CD p.84, Craft Wondrous Item, Transdimensional Spell CD p.85, Aberration Banemagic LoM p.178

Languages: Hadozee, Grommam, Common, Elvish, Lower Planar Trade Tongue


Climb +9 , Concentration +5 , Heal +12 , Knowledge: Elven Imperial Navy +8 , Knowledge: Illithidae +8 , Knowledge Religion +10 , Knowledge: The Planes +5 , Listen +8 , Prof: Brewer +10 , Prof: Wildspace Navigator +10 , Prof: Flow Navigator +14 , Prof: Herbalist +12 , Search +9 , Sense Motive +6 , Spellcraft +17 , Spot +10 , Tumble +8 , Pilot Spelljammer +9

Skill Penalties (low CHA):

Bluff -1, Diplomacy -1, Disguise -1, Gather Information -1, Intimidate -1, Perform -1

Spells Per Day [Aberration Banemagic +2d6 Dam/ +2 DC vs Aberrations] :

0th: 6 | 1st: 5+1+1  | 2nd: 5+1+1 | 3rd: 5+1+1 | 4th: 4+1+1 | 5th: 4+1 | 6th: 3+1 | 7th: 2+1 | 8th: 2+1


  • Wildspace: +1 speed when on helm; locate portal twice per day
  • Travel: Freedom of Movement 1 round / level/ day; Survival is a class skill
  • Knowledge (Bonus Domain): Divination Spells at +1 Caster Level; All knowledge skills are class skills

Weapons / Armor:

Masterwork Short Spear+2 with Celestian Holy Symbol worked into the blade [Attk: +14/+9/+4, Dam: 1d6+1; Crit 20/x2]

Quarterstaff [Attk: +12/+7/+2; Dam 1d6+1; Crit: 20/x3]

Longbow +2 [Attk: +17/+12/+7; Dam 1d8; Crit: 20/x3]

  • Baatorian Red Steel Arrows (+1 to hit) x 3
  • Dust Arrows Blind 1d4 rounds x 60
  • Spell Storing Arrows (3rd Level Max) x 45
  • Spell Storing Arrows (6th Level Max) x 5
  • Alchemical Arrows x 20

Mantle of Celestian [Armor Bonus +5, Freedom of Movement 3/day]

Magical Items:

  • White Ash Staff of the Healer
    • Elvish and Draconic Arcane Symbols carved into the length of the staff
    • 27 charges remaining
    • Lesser Restoration – 1 charge
    • Cure Serious Wounds- 1 charge
    • Cure Blindness/ Deafness- 2 charges
    • Remove Disease- 3
  • Ring of Knowledge- 20 skill points, they fade in 24 hours once removed.
  • Kaolin’s Bag- A Portable Hole whose edges have been sewn to a sack.
  • Incense of Meditation
  • Nolzur’s Pigments
  • Ring of Tongues
  • Necromantic clay pills – from Vecna’s Citadel Cavitus. Confer invisibility to undead. x 3
  • Celestian Wafers- Cure Light Wounds  x 23
  • Liquid Life- Bottle of distilled life force, blue glass stopper
  • Crown of Stars– Minor Artifact, acts as a helm without draining spells or limiting mobility


  • Celestian Holy Symbol in starmetal and gemstones
  • Healers Kit
  • Tambourine
  • Tapestry of the Spelljammer over Toril in Realmspace
  • Vial of Mercury
  • Keyring of tuning forks, each one of a different metal. Used as spell keys for Planeshift spells
  • Vial of Soil from the Celestian temple on the Rock of Bral
  • Unidentified Crystals from Armistace (1 lb.)


  • Arcane Trade Bars x 3 (10,000 pp value each)
  • 600gp in varied gemstones
  • A selection of diamonds for performing Raise Dead