by Loki | Mar 30, 2006 | d20, House Rules, Planewalker, RPG News, Setting
The conversion of Planescape materials to DM Genie files for those players and DM’s who use the software is now a reality. The first filesets- PSCS Spells and Psionics have now gone live on Check ’em out!...
by Loki | Mar 18, 2006 | d20, Setting
Astral Encounters: Return to Crosswinds Keep...
by Loki | Mar 11, 2006 | d20
d20 NPC Wiki- A Wiki collection of NPCs of varying level and capability. Another nice resource growing out of Wiki Technology....
by Loki | Mar 9, 2006 | d20
d20 Tools Tools and Indexes that can generate HTML or XML output, and you can choose which products are included in each generation. Nice....
by Loki | Mar 9, 2006 | d20
One thing I really love about gaming nowadays (as opposed to the early eighties) is that WOTC puts up web enhancements for each of it’s books. Being particularly fond of ships and seafaring/spelljamming stuff this one caught my eye immediately. Web Enhancement:...