by Loki | Mar 8, 2006 | RPG News, Uncategorized
Someone else has been running a Planejammer Game! Check out Sleeping Dragons.Org, it’s a really well done site with a lot of very fun and useful info....
by Loki | Feb 15, 2006 | Planewalker
This is a test post for the new Mimir. The original print article, Trader’s Portal, can be found on Planewalker.Com...
by Loki | Jan 14, 2006 | d20, RPG News
I do intend to get this one, but I haven’t yet so this is purely based on what I found on RPGNow, but it looks rather amusing. To be honest its very much along the lines of something was trying to organize a few weeks back that never got off the ground. Suck Da...
by Loki | Jan 13, 2006 | Planewalker, RPG News
As I resurface from a flooded New Orleans I have made a move as far as my involvement with Planewalker. I will no longer be managing the Snail Outfitters section of the site, instead I will be taking Enzo Sarlas’ place as the Section Manager for Cutters, the...
by Loki | May 13, 2005 | d20, House Rules, Planejammer Campaigns, Planewalker, Setting
Hark and Attend! Oyez, oyez, oyez! For those of you new to the game, or desirous of a copy of the 3.5 rules for Planescape may now download them in .DOC and .PDF formats here! This material is all Canon (TM), and legitimate for usage in the Planejammer Campaign. just...