
Someone else has been running a Planejammer Game! Check out Sleeping Dragons.Org, it’s a really well done site with a lot of very fun and useful info....

New Mimir Test

This is a test post for the new Mimir. The original print article, Trader’s Portal, can be found on Planewalker.Com...

Cajun Arcana- Katrina Fundraiser

I do intend to get this one, but I haven’t yet so this is purely based on what I found on RPGNow, but it looks rather amusing. To be honest its very much along the lines of something was trying to organize a few weeks back that never got off the ground. Suck Da...

Shifting Responsibilities

As I resurface from a flooded New Orleans I have made a move as far as my involvement with Planewalker. I will no longer be managing the Snail Outfitters section of the site, instead I will be taking Enzo Sarlas’ place as the Section Manager for Cutters, the...