Sanctuary: The House Rules

Since we are bringing in new faces for this campaign I thought it for the best to post these right from the outset: Gaming Group Guidelines 1. The primary law for Face-To-Face games: Everyone’s on their honor in the game. Many of the following suggestions are to...

Frey’s Day

I have just spoken with The Doodler in Italy. It is now official and unanimous, game night will be Friday nights 7-11pm. Carry On....

Geonomicon: The Cinema Preview

This is a rewrite of the awesome cinematic preview for the Ghostjammer campaign that was active for awhile on the WOTC boards a few years ago. Since there are many crossover elements I have rebooted it for our own campaign, apologies to the original author. Consider...

The Crowd Gathers

As of now we have: Violetta Lucette d’Arc -female Hellbred Bard / Wilder Lemmy Sorpic- male human psychic warrior Faction:Sons of Mercy Casamir Syzygy- male human rogue Unnamed- female catfolk sorceror I am dishing out special equipment and magic items even now....

You Cannot Keep A Good Supervillain Down!

Loki has now returned. Beaten, scorched, and sleepless is he my children. Be ye wary. Alright, It is now time to finish characters, fine tune backgrounds, coordinate schedules, and get things rolling. I would like to shoot for starting in about two weeks (need time to...

Self development

Stybbie has rolled up his PC, a human rogue/aristocrat from Dragon Rock in the Tears of Selune, Realmspace (Prime Material Plane) Please post character ideas here for me review. This site is for all the game oriented communication (except the secret stuff of course)....