Xamboor Arvo -The Bugman

The Bugman, as he is known, is one of that insectiod race of natural spelljammers – the rastipedes. Having come to the Rock of Bral to make his fortune he signed on with House Seven Stars for a mission and has worked for them over a decade now. Up front about...

Self development

Stybbie has rolled up his PC, a human rogue/aristocrat from Dragon Rock in the Tears of Selune, Realmspace (Prime Material Plane) Please post character ideas here for me review. This site is for all the game oriented communication (except the secret stuff of course)....

Campaign Launch

Planejammer: Geonomicon- The Dice Have Begun Rolling! Ruleset: DND 3.5, with extensive house rules (Campaign Disc Forthcoming) Setting: Spelljammer / Planescape Rating: Adult themes, NSFW Emphasis: Role Playing, not roll playing, XP bonuses for good characterization...

Geonomicon PCs

So far: The Wife ™: Helbred Bard/Wilder The Doodler: Dwarven Cleric of Ptah Stybbie: Black Sheep of an Old Family Maitri: Some form of wizard or loremaster Laurie: Unsure of level of participation, never played before Dial M: May play, may not. No concept...