ISC Khelhorn’s Grace

Corvette : Colossal Vehicle ; hp 250; Top Spd 30; Ace 5; Dec 5 ; Hand +4; Sensor +5; Stealth 12; AC 18 (-8 size, -5 Dex, +6 natural, +3 armor, +12 shields) ; SQ vehicle, hardness 30; Fuel 150,000/3 . Stations: Pilot 1, Sensor 1, Gunner 2, Crew 20. Cargo: 50 tons ....

Dragonstar History

The Following is the data gained through study with Fleet Issue Datapads while en route to Outlands Station. It is taken from here and reproduced for immediate campaign use. All ad copy has been removed. No challenge to any copyright is intended, especially as this is...