The Praetorians- Siege Weaponry

Praetorians (Human Unit)- Trained Catapault/Ballista Crew (w/Master) that double as ground troops. Have been working for House Seven Stars for over ten years now. 60gp/month +combat bonuses Gaius Cornelius; Human Ftr5: CR 5; ECL 5; Size M; HD 5; hp 39; Init +5; Spd 30...

Tikazata: Maztican Healer

This darkly lovely woman is a healer from Maztika on Toril. She was Kaolin’s assistant and a nurse on board the Octopus Ship The Door To Excess for several years. Tikazata; Human Exp6: CR 5; ECL 6; Size M; HD 6; hp 22; Init +1; Spd 30 ft; AC 11, touch 11, FF 10;...

Deldtrick K'Tel

This short, bushy bearded gnome is the chief of operations for House Seven Stars. Originally brought in as an investor during one of the party’s protracted absences his ability to deal with the paperwork no one else wanted to deal with has given him a secure and...

Xamboor Arvo -The Bugman

The Bugman, as he is known, is one of that insectiod race of natural spelljammers – the rastipedes. Having come to the Rock of Bral to make his fortune he signed on with House Seven Stars for a mission and has worked for them over a decade now. Up front about...