Converting the Land of the Lost to Pathfinder: Part I

A few weeks ago an old gaming buddy of mine died after protracted terminal illness. Jason Deas was incredibly smart and subversively funny guy who had a love of all things nerdy. This is the first of a series of conversions I’m doing as a memorial to him. Since...

Rogue Modron – Pathfinder Build

Rogue Modron Planescape Race Outsider (lawful, half-construct) (10 RP) A native outsider is at least partially composed of the essence (but not necessarily the matter) of some plane other than the Material Plane. A half-construct race is a group of creatures that are...

New Rule: Dolorous Wounds

As of this evening I am adding in something a bit Arthurian for our home campaign. Dolorous Wounds. I saw this float past me on Owen K Stephen’s Google + Stream and immediately recognized it as something that would be great in a Planescape game. Here is his take...