“Dark Roads and Golden Hells is one hell of an achievement… or perhaps eleven of them. Every chapter offers a world of ideas, every paragraph a vision. Open this to any page, and see if it doesn’t draw you in. Open Design has created a dazzlingly worthy successor to the Planescape legacy.” – Colin McComb, Planescape designer
ENnie Nomination 2013 for Dark Roads and Golden Hells [Kobold Press] | Obsidian Portal Campaign of the Year 2011 The Spelljoined | Silver ENnie Award 2007 for Planewalker | Silver ENnie Award 2005 for Planewalker
Reviews and Press
- How is Lucid founder investing proceeds of $1B sale? Dungeons & Dragons and blockchain, for starters – NOLA.com
- Let’s Play! — Announcing GRIPNR, LLC & The Glimmering
- Review of Savage Mojo’s Palace of the Lich Queen – Geekly, Inc.
- The Independents: Palace of the Lich Queen – The Mad Adventurer’s Society
- Savage Mojo: Palace of the Lich Queen – RPG Knights
- Review: Kobold Press – Shadow Planes and Pocket Worlds – Roleplayer’s Chronicle
- Review: Kobold Press Dark Roads and Golden Hells – Roleplayer’s Chronicle
- Dark Roads and Golden Hells Review – Examiner
Endzeitgeist Reviews
- Book of Heroic Races Advanced Compendium [Jon Brazer Enterprises] 4.5 Stars
- X-Crawl: Louisiana Rising [Goodman Games] 5 stars and the Seal of Approval
- Suzerain [Savage Mojo] 4.5 Stars
- Consort of the Lich Queen [Savage Mojo] 4.5 Stars
- Tomb of the Lich Queen [Savage Mojo] 3.5 stars
- Machine of the Lich Queen [Savage Mojo] 5 stars
- Palace of the Lich Queen [Savage Mojo] 4.5 stars and the Seal of Approval
- Dark Roads and Golden Hells [Kobold Press] 5 stars and the Seal of Approval
- Shadow Planes and Pocket Worlds [Kobold Press] 5 stars and the Seal of Approval
Seminars, Panels, and Interviews
- Know Direction: Gamers Making Games
- Celesticon 2015 – Multiplanar & Multigenre Adventuring With Kevin Andrew Murphy
- Panel: Social Responsibility and the Self Publisher – With Christopher Helton, Emily Vittori, James Raggi, and Chris Trezenga
- Gamerati 2011 Tour – Video Interview
- Dorkland! Roundtable with George E Williams
Geekline415 Appearances